2025 WUM Legislative Update February 3rd
Category : Uncategorized
February 3rd 2025
As of this morning…potential 4357 bills
Up to HB 379, HR2, HJ12 and
SB 256, SR 1,4, SJ 11
Of those bills submitted that might be of interest:
HB 240 limiting access to state owned islands from navigable waters has been withdrawn.
HB 133 requiring mandatory reports on hunting ….referred to committee. I provided comments to oppose this.
HB 242 revise penalties for AIS violations …..scheduled hearings…I commented in support.
SB 168 providing statute of limitations for lakeshore issues
SB 178 making leasing of water rights not an abandonment of those rights…I commented in support.
Ben noted two other bills that may be of interest:
HB 141 changes gambling laws to allow non profits to use credit cards for raffles. This has passed 3 reading in House 94/4 vote so is looking good. This may be something WUM would support?
SB 99 changes laws making certain income of tax exempt organizations unrelated business income subject to tax. Frankly, I’m not sure I totally understand this, it lists some exemptions for certain organizations so I’m not sure it would apply to WUM but maybe a tax person would have a different opinion?
I also saw another HB 374 revising gambling laws allowing non profits to do an expanded casino night…not sure any WUM chapters do this sort of thing or whether or not it would be something to support?
I’ve not attended any committee meetings as I haven’t felt justified in making a days trip to Helena for what I’ve seen so far.
Dale Gilbert
January 27th 2025
4332 YTD pending bills….from Bill Explorer 261 HB, 2HR, 5 HJ, and 176 SB, 1SR, and 10SJ.
Not sure it’s something WU needs to pursue, but HB 240 restricts the use of navigable waters to access state owned islands for any hunting other than migratory waterfall.
HB 242 Revises AIS fines and removes option of issuing a warning without penalties. It increases fines for negligent first and second offenses, but I’m not sure removing the option of issuing a warning without penalties is good.
SB 168 Provides a 2 year statute of limitations for taking actions on violations of Lakeshore Violations and makes minor ongoing maintenance exempt.
The Legislature Fish Fry was a success. Scott and Brenda did a great job coordinating event.
Dale Gilbert
December 3rd 2024
As of this morning 18 bills have been introduced…none of interest YTD….a total of 2179 LC’s listed so far.
I did attend a Region 4 CAC meeting last night where FWP reviewed the proposed legislation being submitted by the agency. There were 14 items, but nothing that seemed of much interest to me. One, LC 520 dealt with repealing structure allowing for donation of paddlefish roe for commercial caviar sales …..since the diversion was done at intake they no longer have the issue.
A couple of other pending issues was the FWP intends to request additional funding for research projects to do a better job with longer range planning and commitments.
The Governor has submitted a proposed budget. It was interesting to hear FWP feels OK about budget, $61 million comes from license sales and 95% of that is from non-residents. They are loosing monies from Pitman/Robinson….lost 17% in 2024 and projecting another 8% in 2025. So they are also going to pursue the authority to transfer monies from the general license sales to cover the shortfalls.
It was a good meeting as I did get to meet the new Acting Director – Marina Yoshioka who will serve until the Governor appoints a new director. Dustin Temple, the current Director is stepping down at the end of the month.
They have not hired anyone yet to replace the Fisheries Division Administrator but I’m told recommendations have been made a it is likely close to being released.
The meeting had invited Legislative members, but only 3 from this area attended, Jane Weber – Cascade, Melissa Nikolakakos – Cascade, and a Zack Worth – from Wolf Creek, none of them on the either of the Fish and Game Committee’s.
At this point, I’m still waiting to get my license issued.
The only suggestion I would have for WUM is that some effort be put into developing a contact list of members who are from the districts that have a representative on the Senate or House Fish and Game Committees so when our input is needed, it will be heard.
One of the comments from one legislator last night, reinforced how important it is to have public input, but I got the message many representatives listen to input from people who are in their districts. He frequently does not spend much time on comments from people outside his district.
I did visit with Quentin Kujala, Chief of Conservation Policy last night and had a very good discussion. One of the things he mentioned was that the process for making comments via the Zoom video conference process was very worthwhile and effective. So in addition to the on line comment process, WUM should consider encouraging members to utilize the Zoom video call process. People do not need to travel to Helena to have their voices heard.
I’ve reviewed current House and Senate Fish and Game Committee appointments and have attached an updated list. As you will see, the majority are from what I’d consider western Montana …. Not sure that is good, but it is what it is. So it seems really important for members from the districts we have in eastern Montana will become active when needed.
Dale Gilbert