If you have information that needs to be submitted and shared at the 2024 State Meeting in Bozeman please have that information submitted to Brenda Keller no later then March 1st.
If you are required to provide a written report for the meeting, your meeting report deadline is tomorrow, March 1st! Email them to Brenda at: brendahanson0725@yahoo.com
Friday night social at Grantree 6 pmSaturday am breakfast 730, meeting at 8Meeting adjourns 12:00. Lunch on your ownBB Fieldhouse opens at 3. 50 tickets left. Two busses will go to Fieldhouse before the banquet and two will return to the Grantree following the banquet.
Montana Walleyes Unlimited, Annual meeting Grantree Inn, Bozeman MT March 9, 2024 0700 Breakfast 0800 Call to Order Pledge of Allegiance 0805 Call for Proxies to be included into minutes 0810 Minutes from Fall Meeting in Great Falls-Secretary Hayley Young 0820 Financials-Treasurer Ben Davis Accounts status Budget status Budget issues ED Funding $1000 approved in
Walleyes Unlimited State Banquet March 9th, 2024, hosted by The Gallatin Madison Walleyes Unlimited Chapter will be at 3:00PM at the MSU Fieldhouse.Get your tickets and membership here. (gmwalleyes.com) Thanks to our Event Sponsor for the State Banquet!